日本財団 図書館


Moreover, by assuming that trains pass the straight side of passing stations, the limit speed is considered to be equal to that of the main line.


(2) Calculation results


Tables 4.6-2 and 4.6-3 show the operation hours and minutes and arrival hours and minutes calculated in accordance with the above prerequisites.



Table 4.6-2 New and old operation hours and minutes







Notes: 1. The new operation hours and minutes do not include stopping time. However, because a train stops in nine stations midway, a duration of approx. 6 hrs. and 57 min. is obtained by assuming the train stops for 2 min. for each station.


2. The present operation hours and minutes (*) include stopping hours and minutes.



Though the calculation results are shown in table 4.6-2, a duration of 6 hrs. and 57 min. is obtained by including stopping hours and minutes, reduced 3 hrs. 48 min. and the commercial speed comes to 108.3 km/H between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. The commercial speed in a flat section (between Bangkok and Uttaradit) is set to 120.5 km/H and that in a mountainous section (between Uttaradit and Chiang Mai) is set to 92.5 km/H.





